Student workshops

I believe that inclusion is a fundamental life skill that is particularly relevant in a schooling environment.

I know first-hand how important it is for students to learn, grow, and play in an environment where they feel a sense of belonging.

I am committed to designing workshops for students, immersing them in the art of inclusion, and giving them the fundamental skills they need to promote inclusion in their interactions with people with disabilities (and people with any other marginalised identity).

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Customisable workshops to suit your needs

Every school is different.

I tailor my workshops to the individual needs of schools. This includes time restraints, preferred delivery formats (online or in person), and the culture and values of the particular schooling environment.

Before the workshop, I endeavor to have a 1:1 call with a representative from the school to ensure that I deliver a workshop that caters to their needs as a school.

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Book a workshop for your school today

Are you interested in me running a workshop for the students at your school?

I would love to hear from you!

Satria speaking in front of 3 tables of people