Professional Learning Workshops for Teachers

I know first hand how important it is for students to be able to learn and grow in an environment where they are accepted for who they are, and feel accommodated for regardless of any difference they may have.

I am committed to helping educators develop the fundamental skills and knowledge they need for being able to create an inclusive environment for students with additional needs/disabilities.

I offer workshops for school staff focussing on their interpersonal interactions with students with disabilities, whilst honing in on key concepts to consider throughout the interaction.

Strategically Planned Workshops

I plan my workshops in line with the guidelines that the Department of Education prescribe on disability and inclusion, interwoven with my skills and knowledge that I have learnt from my lived experience of disability and navigating other people’s unintentional ableism and unconscious bias towards disability.

Download the program for my Professional Learning Workshops for Teachers here

Customisable workshops to suit your needs

Every school is different.

Which is why I tailor my workshop to individual needs of schools. This includes time restraints, preferred delivery formats (online or in person) and the culture and values of the particular schooling environment.

I value open communication with any school I work with. Which is why, before the workshop, I endeavour to have a 1:1 call with a representative from the school to ensure that I deliver a workshop that cater their needs as a school.

Book a workshop for your school today

Are you interested in me running a Professional Learning Workshop for the staff at your school?
I’d love to hear from you!