Satria Arbai

Disability Advocate | Content Creator | Workshop Facilitator

Image alt text: A close-up of Satria talking in front of an audience

Meet Satria

A headshot of Satria smiling at the cameraa

Hi! I am Satria Arbai, a driven Disability Advocate, Content Creator, and Workshop Facilitator.

My mission is to help people promote inclusion in all their interpersonal interactions, including in workplaces, education settings and the wider community.

Things I Do

Design and Deliver Interactive Workshops on Disability and Inclusion

A close up of Satria presenting a presentation

Create and Provide Practical Resources promoting the Art of Inclusion

A close up of Satria working on a computer on a white table

Customisable Workshops

Do you struggle to cater to the diverse interests, needs, and preferences of individuals?

I understand that it can be challenging to create an environment where everyone can feel included.

My workshops are designed to:

  • Immerse attendees in the art of inclusion

  • Equip them with the practical tips and strategies they need to promote inclusion in all their interactions

I design and deliver these workshops through the lens of a person with lived experience of disability, honing in on some of the practical strategies that they can implement in their own interactions/interpersonal relationships with people with disabilities.

The skills and strategies covered in these workshops can also be applied to the broader world of interpersonal interactions and relationships and the concept of inclusion as a whole.

My workshops can be customised for any organisation, I adapt them to specific environments, group dynamics, specific industry policies, and the culture of the organisation.

For Schools

Satria speaking in front of 3 tables of people


Practical Content

I have utilised a range of platforms to produce and provide content to help people better understand what they can do to promote inclusion within their interpersonal relationships as well as their interactions within the wider community:

My Blog

My Social Media

Work with me!

Are you an experienced public speaker passionate about disability, inclusion, and education?

If so, I have an exciting opportunity for you.

I am looking for an experienced speaker who can help me develop the key skills and knowledge I need to become a better public speaker.

My ALAN Acronym

four colour strips arranged in order of red, orange, yellow and blue. Each strip contains a letter, an image and a snippet of text.  On each strip, there is a letter, horizontally spelling out ALAN, an image symbolising the steps and a few words.

If there is one thing that you take away from my content, please let it be this:

My ALAN acronym.

A simple acronym, each letter standing for a fundamental action to take when you interact with people with disability. Acknowledge, Learn, Ask, and Normalise.

You can download a free printable copy and hang it on the wall at home, school, or work.

The more people who can access this, the more people will feel comfortable when they interact with people with disabilities.

  • What people say:

    Satria provides practical and thoughtful strategies for including people with a disability. I've now got a set of tools and some new perspectives. His sessions would be great for workplaces, clubs and schools

    Morris Orchard - Hatfield Rovers

  • What people say:

    We recently had the absolute pleasure of having Satria come and run a workshop for our staff focused on disability and inclusion. Satria was engaging, funny and very knowledgeable. His presentation was really positive, meaningful and very accessible. His acronym, ALAN, was really helpful.

    Amelia Vance - Diversity and Inclusion leader at Heathmont College

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